Top Ten Tips to Get Your Email Marketing Done Right
Want to enjoy a prospective career in email marketing or want to carry out an email marketing program but aren’t getting the desired result?
Email marketing is may seem simple from a distance and it is but there are some strategies that need to be implemented for results. You could Join Institutes like Digital Floats (A premier institute that provides training in digital marketing in Hyderabad) which can help in providing the right kind of guidance required to develop proper Email Marketing email tips and technique Skills.
Nevertheless, we have compiled a list of our top ten tips Email Marketing Tips. It is a guarantee that you will not fail if you implement these methods with care.
So here are the top 10 Email Marketing tips and techniques:
1)Attach Numerous and Obvious Links to your Email
The main motive of sending emails as a tool for marketing is to drive traffic to a certain page, program or application. Just mentioning the name of your product or page is not enough. People, generally, don’t want to waste time on your page if they have to search for it themselves. Attach as many links as possible without making the email too clumsy. Attach one per paragraph if possible. Make the links obvious so that it is easy for the user to know that that is the link they have to click if they want to reach the desired page. If required, make the links more eye-catching by displaying messages such as “Click Here”. Just make sure they are obvious to the user.
2)Reduce the Usage of Images
Images may be more visual and people new toEmail Marketing Campaign may be more inclined to add images but it is not effective. People generally tend to skip images and ignore them. For attractive Emails, rely on a good html page rather than attaching images to you Email. Rely on good html coding rather than heavy designs which take away lots of space and leaves a lesser amount of space for text information which is more important. Keep images to the bare minimum and absolutely avoid important details and links being displayed on the used images. Avoid using images that convey the necessary information.
3)Make Sure people can Unsubscribe easily
This may seem strange but this is an important part of Email Marketing Strategy. Preventing people from being able to unsubscribe is not a smart move in the long run. If the recipient gets frustrated and does not want to receive your emails anymore, he/she may report you mail as spam. If this happens numerous times, it becomes almost impossible to move from the junk folder to the inbox of the user. The Company and the sender’s reputation are at stake is their emails get sent to the spam folder. Attach unsubscribe links to your email which can easily be located by uninterested users.
4)Follow every Spam Tips every time you send emails
There are spam tips which every Email Marketer must follow in order to stay out of the spam box. Follow these tips EVERY TIME you send an email. Being careful about these things is part of being a profession Email Marketing Strategist. We emphasize on this thing because if your mail is marked as a spam, it may take months or a year to get out of it and reach the inbox. The loss in potential clients is not a good feature of a good Email Marketing Strategy.
5)Use the Maximum Template Dimensions for your Email
Most of the users that are going to receive your email are going to watch it in a preview plane. Therefore, the most necessary information that you want to convey should be there. Try to keep the width of your email within 600 pixels. Add as much valuable and interesting information and one important link within the first 100 pixels. Maybe good graphical images seem good, but this method will produce better results. Design your email within a 600×200 pixels dimension. That is how the users are going to view your email.
6)Keep the Text short as well as easier to scan
It is a well-known fact that not every user is going to go through an entire email. They are going to skip to the essential if they find your email appealing at all. They will scan your email quickly that is the reason you need to keep your text short. Add only required information and tend to use bullets often to list the important points. Use Highlights to mark keywords of your content so that they are easily visible to the recipient.
7)Try to keep the list of Email recipients clean
By cleaning Email lists, we mean you should search and remove bad emails addresses. There are several addresses in your recipient list which are bad or fake. To know the real ones from the fake ones, check the delivery status of your emails. For a successful Email Marketing Campaign, it is necessary that you remove the email address that doesn’t give a “Successful Delivery” message or are non-existent. It is rather more work but this is necessary. Less the number of fake accounts, more the possibility of reaching to real potential clients. Repeatedly sending emails to useless addresses is a wastage of resources. It may be more work but sending emails to non-existing accounts several times may result in your emails being marked as spam.
8)Use proper ALT texts, title texts and links with images
ALT texts are those text messages that appear when an image fails to load or your mouse pointer is hovering over the image. Use proper ALT and Titles texts which are separately read by the browser. Also, link all your Images to the actual page so that even though your images are taking up valuable space, they at least turn out to be of use.
9)Send Test emails before sending actual emails
It is a crucial part of your Email Marketing Strategy that you always send test emails before you actually send them to the main list of Emails. Doing this will help you see your emails from the recipient’s perspective. Send test mails to all the major email providers such as Gmail, yahoo, Hotmail, Rediff etc. Doing so helps you rectify minor errors and helps you improve the quality of your emails.
10)Create a Text Only Version Of your Emails
There are many users who choose to open emails in Text only format. Therefore, you should have anemail which should convey the same message in a text only. Make sure that whatever kind of email that you do choose to send, attach a text only format with it so that users who want to save data may receive the same amount of information as any other recipient.
Conclusion- Compare Your emails to an invitation card of a certain ceremony. Attach essential details such as to what and who’s ceremony is it relates and the date and location of the event. Do not attach the menu card to the invitation as it is not essential information for skeptical users. It is only when they attend the ceremony, just like one visits the homepage of the company or product, which they come to know the more interesting and important details.
You can also choose to join institutions such as Digital Floats which provide excellent training in different Online Marketing fields and helps you undertake your own Email Marketing Campaign.
I hope the above Email Marketing Campaign Tips help you yield better results. Thank you.