What Is the Importance of Google Algorithm Updates?
Google Algorithm and It’s Rising Importance
If you ever had to search something on Google, ever wondered how easily we get the information that we are looking for? Netcraft, an internet research firm, had reported that there are as many as 150,000,000 sites on the World Wide Web. Search Engines like Google employ very complex mathematical algorithms to search for the information you are looking for.
The basic logic behind the search and find algorithm is that google looks for the keywords that you search for and ranks the pages that are to be displayed in Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Ranking of these pages are done based on multiple attributes such as the number of times the keyword appears in the page, the highest traffic and most visited etc.
In the Year 2007, Google had surpassed Microsoft as the most visited site on the internet. Therefore, for Web Pages, it is essential to find a spot on Google’s SERP. That would mean a gigantic rise in traffic to their page. For every Web Administrator, it is very important to manage the site in such a manner that they get a spot on the SERP.
What is Google algorithm?
Algorithms are step by step patterns or instructions to overcome challenges.
The Keyword search program that Google uses is similar but a bit more advanced than other Search Engines. There are Automated Programs created by the Search Engine known as Spiders and Crawlers. These programs travel through the net in search of suitable content through every link, and by matching the keywords the user has entered. Then they create a page by indexing the web pages according to the suitability of the pages. Google refers to these index pages before displaying the results to the user. The Automated Programs have advanced functions such as determining which pages have actual content in them and which pages redirect the user to other pages. This helps the User save a lot of time.
The next important factor that Google algorithms look for is a placement of the keywords. Some places are more vital than others. For example, if the keywords are placed in the Webpage’s Header, it would hold more important than the ones in the regular text. A keyword in the Title of the content holds a lot of importance. The Heading Sizes differ from webpage to webpage to webpage. The keywords in the larger headers are given more importance than the ones in the smaller headers. Even though too much usage of the keywords makes the content more iterative, but administrators advise their usage on a regular basis throughout the content.
Digital Floats, a premier institute that provides training in digital marketing in Hyderabad can help in providing the right kind of guidance required to learn google algorithm.
Google’s Page Ranking System
One of the most important features of Google’s algorithms is Google’s Page Ranking System. This is a program used by Google to determine which results come on which position. Usually, people scan through the first few pages to browse through the information they were looking for. So, if a Webpage pops up on the first few positions, it means an increase in traffic. Many have tried to rework on the algorithm that Google Uses, but it has not been worked out and remains a secret to Google.
The information that we do know are:
1. The Page Ranking System assigns points to every web page based on multiple attributes. The more the score every page make, the higher is their position on the result list.
2. The scores depend on the target webpage being liked to other websites. More the number of links, more the votes for that particular page that is linked. Sites with good quality content will be linked more often than pages with lesser quality.
3. Not Every vote hold the same value. Sites which are higher in rank, their vote holds greater value than the sites which are lower in rank. Thus, if a webpage is linked to a higher-ranking webpage, it will gain more valuable votes than it would have if it were linked to lower ranking pages.
4. The value of a webpage’s vote reduces if has too many links attached to it. Quality web pages do not offer too many links to the viewers. If a high-ranking page were to have hundreds of links, then the value of it vote will be less than a similarly ranked page with fewer links.
5. Other factors that after the value of the votes of different pages are; the age of the page (How long the page has been on the internet), the strength of its Domain name, the placement of the keywords throughout the page and the age of the links that they provide and their links on sites. Google gives importance to the sites that have been on the internet longer.
6. There were rumors that Google has human employees that manually search and rank results. Google denies these claims and says that it has employees to test the Google algorithm updates but the ranking and sorting is not done by humans.
What Is the Importance of Google Algorithm Updates?
In a professional field, there cannot be any scope of losing to a rival enterprise. Therefore, there have to be constant updates in working methods and system changes. There have been numerous changes to the working theory in Google and its Search Engine Optimization techniques. Many new updates have been inserted which have changed the way Search Engines looks for information over the web, and the strategy it uses to get the required information.
EMD (Exact Match Domain) google update help remove massive amounts of spam websites that attempted to come up to the top of the Search Results by utilizing Google’s keyword preference algorithms. There was also the Update released by Google known as Google Penguin Which was responsible for the analysis of the quality, quantity, and relevance of the website with respect to your search.
About Updates
Google Updates over 500 times a year to constantly keep up with the quality service they provide to its users and that relevant results appear every time a user makes a search. If the users do not get the relevant information they are looking for, they are going the get it from other sources. Due to the competitive nature of the business, Google needs to put up the ace game to top the market. Hence the frequent updates.
Google Algorithm Updates for Search Engine Optimization is not an easy task. It is Google’s responsibility to constantly keep renewing its service procedure to ensure that its user has the best experience while browsing the internet via its search engine. Google always values information which is being updated with time and events and how easily it can be shared with others. Therefore, it constantly changes its algorithms so that only the required information from the required websites is produced to the users. Thus, Websites that are constantly adding, updating and refreshing their content are more likely to be chosen by Google to display to the Users.
Digital Floats, a premier institute that provides training in digital marketing in Hyderabad can help in providing the right kind of guidance required to learn google algorithm.
Even though not everyone is happy about these constant Google Algorithm Updates, Google is doing the right thing. It has been showing the online marketers that only good quality content produced by hard working enterprises will be entertained and rewarded. Any Unethical and Clumsy work will be rejected by the Search Algorithms. It is critical that every website put up their best work online because Google is determined to display nothing but the best.