Tips and Strategies on Online Reputation Management Part 1
Top Tips and Strategies on Effective Online Reputation Management
The online reputation of your brand goes a long way in determining the success of your brand. The online reputation includes your reviews and everything else that shows up when your company name is searched for in any search engine. If people find too much negative content when they search for your brand, there is an automatic dislike.
A small budget coupled with a few online reputation management tips can help you go a long way. Taking care of the online reputation from the very beginning is crucial. In today’s’ world everyone treats the internet as the most important platform for information. Hence, what your reputation is online might even be more important than word of mouth publicity offline.
Doing good work and not promoting it online is a waste today and promoting must be coupled with online reputation management. Here are some basic online reputation management tips that you can implement easily.
You need to remember that there are humans reading your content and robots. Humans have attributes that make them appreciate original content. They need to find descriptions and work done by you that are easily comprehensible. Along with transparency, people look for honesty too.
Transparency plays a huge role in this sphere. Transparency can be on many levels. Free and easy discussion about your products by not only customers but also employees helps establish a lot of transparency in online dealings. Make way for a one to one communication channel that takes care of each query or remark personally. Your online reputation management strategy should not aim at putting down or silencing critiques but addressing them publicly and solving their problems.
Be open to asking for honest feedback. Then work on those and show reports on how you plan to change for the better. Maintaining healthy professional communication with loyal clients is as important as addressing issues of those who have grievances.
Press releases
One of the cheapest and quickest ways of making people aware about news of your company, fresh products and services, and other stuff is to get out press releases. However, if making one seems like a task, you can always use online reputation management tools like PR Web that help you make press releases very easily. Producing good content is a key aspect of press releases though.
Maintaining a blog
Maintaining a dedicated blog on your website or even, in general, can take you places. What most people complain about is finding sufficient content for their blogs. But if you can be innovative enough, this shouldn’t be a problem for you. Blog content can range from being about your special services or products or about your domain in general. From current or forecasted trends to tips and tricks in the field, your content can be about anything in the field you cater in. Guest blogging is a key factor that can help you enrich your online reputation.
Either choose a social media influencer or expert in your field to write for your blog or do some guest blogging on a famous blog yourself. For the first category, you will get traffic and following when the influencer shares the post. This increases your visibility and branding. For the second category, you can ask for a link back to your own website when you do guest blogging. Being a popular blog, that blog will naturally have many followers, who are interested in your writing, will always visit your site.
Social media
You cannot ignore the reach and power of social media. With plenty of users, maintain business profiles on various social media are very necessary. Online reputation management tools are available, like Postcron or Hoot suite that helps you manage updates on different platforms from one place.
Social media can engage people very easily and with features like paid advertisements, you can invest a small amount of money and gain big returns. Keeping in touch with your followers and responding to their comments or messages is important too. Social media builds bridges on very personal fronts and not responding to messages is perceived as rude and arrogant.